The experiment

MAN’s curiosity is tethered by obsession. Unwise and cruel, the pursuit of discovery had brought about wonderful machines to connect us all, feed us all & destroy us all.

At the push of a button, the largest experiment came to life. Gigawatts of energy transferred two entire atoms of hydrogen toward each other at close to the speed of light. But how did humans manage to harness so much energy?

The Mass Astral Loop Laser Element Research Architecture

Mass Astral Loop Laser Element Research Architecture (or MALLERA) was an experiment commissioned in a joint EU/Pacific Economic Zone development program to explore experimental technologies for power generation. Climate change, pollution and over-population plagued Earth with systemic agricultural collapses throughout sub-tropical regions due to increasingly extreme weather fluctuations between seasons.

The experiments architecture was a chain of 18 man made islands in the South Pacific, well away from densely inhabited areas. The biggest island being Mallera-9, build on a large Seamount, it would be the power generator for the experiment as well as the detection station for the experiment.

Extensive tunnels and caverns were drilled through the trachyte of the Seamount as well as millions of tonnes of concrete poured to build the infrastructure for the experiment. The principle was simple, harness the not the power of the ocean, but its weight.

The generator was placed 4000m below sea level with steep shafts leading directly from the ocean onto the turbine impeller. The weight of the Ocean would be released, spinning the immense turbines which would then deliver gigawatts of power to hyper magnets accelerating hydrogen atoms at each other. The incredible heat from the magnets would be quelled by the sea water which would then super-heat and rise through the immense vertical shafts powering additional low pressure turbines.

One of the largest projects in human history was completed, now its time to push the button.