Sublet Combat Unit

Sublet Combat Unit

Sublets imply that the combat unit is Sub-Let to private operators. Private operators exist in the zone or are known as independent operators. They typically have no security of their own to protect against hostile elements. The slightest hint of someone raising their own security force would bring the weight of BFC or CPD onto them. Best option, is to Sub-Let Sublets from Black Faction or CPD.

Sublet Combat Unit Combat pose


Post Operation MALLERA-DEEP Black Faction & CPDs forces were extremely exhausted. Mounting operations against each other was not possible and holding large sections of territory was becoming difficult. Independent operators began to occupy more of the abandoned territory with neither company able to answer with a decent show of force. Black Faction suffering a few embarrassing defeats at the hands of rag tag groups of former employees.

The Mistress needed to have an influence of some sore in those areas, so she offered a guns for hire deal where independent operators could hire trained combat units by the day. Maintaining a degree of Black Faction influence without needing large operations.

Who are the sublets?

Sublets are selected at random from Standard Combat Units and assigned to who ever is hiring them. Uniforms are different only in the bodysuit, the rest is the same. They come with basic equipment and the hiring individual must pay extra for more or better equipment.

The day hire rate is CR9000 per unit, meaning that Black Faction makes CR6000 on top of what they pay the Combat unit for their service.

what are sublets used for?

Sublets are used for predominately hyper dangerous tasks that Independent operators are not willing to risk themselves for.